STARTERminsk, vol 3
If you want to develop your unique idea with Belarusian young entrepreneurs, join the STARTERminsk program.
The program is open to join following ideas:
Pine hydrolate - The woodworking industry is developed in our country (Belarus). After processing wood there is a lot of sawdust and it would be irrational not to use them in any way. So our idea is to make a product for external use on the base of pine hydrolate which will be extracted from wood waste.
Veterinary antiviral pharmaceutical - The main idea of the project is to produce an antiviral drug which has an combined antiviral and antibacterial action. The key feature of this pharmaceutical is it's affectivity againts previously incureble Newcastle desease. There are two active pharmaceutical ingredients in the composition of this drug which cause a wide-spectrum activity.
Biodegradable packaging - The key idea of our project is creation of biodegradable packaging based on recycled paper(waste paper) without the use of plastic.Also the creation of technology for the intoduction of plant seeds into packing which are typical for our area( temperate climate).
Yacht club - Our business idea is aimed at attracting more tourists to the wonderful Estonian resort town Narva-Joesuu, namely to open an elite yacht club on the Baltic Sea coast. Our idea includes building a restaurant in an ethnic style, various water activities at different times of the year and getting a lot of positive emotions.
ceramic materials for 3 d printing - The essence of our project is the development of compositions and technological parameters for the production of porous ceramic products based on calcium phosphates using additive technologies.
Drones - Our business idea is based on the use of a more efficient and cheaper way of irrigating land. A business idea allows you to reduce harm to workers and increase yields
Dispersed silicon dioxide - Dispersed silicon dioxide is one of the most important components for obtaining light, durable, high-quality colored rubbers for the manufacture of tires, shoe soles, rubberized fabrics
Circular economy - Our business idea is based on recycling PET waste in pyrolysis plants. As a result, there will be raw materials for the production of plastics used in additive technologies. High product margins arise in the production of filaments for 3D printing. Also, such technologies allow you to control all stages of the product life cycle. The effects will arise due to an increase in the service life of products (production of packaging from plastics that allow multiple use due to resistance to ultraphilic processing) and the removal of waste from the country's economy.
Link for more information

The project is financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.
Kristina Paal
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